Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The joke

Ed; a man with no arms and big steel-plated skull, (in witch he obtained from a car accident) was looking for a job.
Ed decided the best job for him was to work at a church. So when he saw a HELP WANTED sign posted on the front of a church door, he quickly ran in to apply.
He looked around the building, and saw a priest standing by the altar. "Priest, I would like to apply for the job!" Ed said. But the priest denied him. "Sorry," he said. "Ringing the bell every noontime on Sunday is the job."
Then Ed had an idea. "Why don't I ring the bell with my head?" He asked, pointing to his steel skull. I can ram into it and cause it to ring! So reluctantly, the priest gave him the job, and to their surprise, (the church members') Ed "rang" the bell with his head every noon on Sunday. Unfortunately, there also happened to be a banana peel on the bell tower floor where Ed could work, and one day he slipped and fell down the stairs and died. Shocked, people crowded close beside him and around him. One said, "Who is he?" and another: "I don't know, but his face sure does ring a bell."

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